
PanaSea Marine Phytoplankton!

PanaSea Marine Phytoplankton with a unique blend of antioxidants! PanaSea Marine Phytoplankton combines our oceans best marine phytoplankton and freshwater algae with powerful plant, berries, herbs and spices! Read more in detail about our unique base of high-quality ingredients. PanaSea is a marine phytoplankton ‘SUPERfood’ embracing all that is essential and great from Mother Nature. PanaSea™...

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Plankton for Pets – Its Here!

Plankton for Pets Introducing – ‘MyPlankton™ 4 Paws Plus+’  marine phytoplankton for animals MyPlankton Australia is very pleased to announce the launch of our new Plankton for Pets – phytoplankton wholefood product designed specifically for our beloved pets. After many requests from our loyal customers for a Phytoplankton product for dogs, cats and most other animals we...

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The Secret To How Whales Live To 100

The Longest Living Creatures On The Planet Whales, the majestic creatures of the deep, are one of the longest living animals on the planet. It is known that some species of these beautiful marine mammals live over 100 years, with the bowhead whale’s lifespan estimated between 100 – 200 years. So, what’s the secret to the longevity of the whale?  One word – phytoplankton. Marine...

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MyPlankton – why did we add Spirulina?

Australian Arthrospira Platensis (Spirulina) We did not hesitate adding Spirulina to MyPlankton it is the richest nutrient and complete food source found in the world. It contains over 100 nutrients, more than any other plant, grain or herb. Today Spirulina is widely used as a food supplement to maintain health, boost energy and reduce weight. Spirulina contains 60-63 % protein, up to 13 % of...

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Phytoplankton Health Benefits

Marine phytoplankton has been nourishing an abundance of sea life for billions of years. These tiny single-cell creatures live deep in the ocean, they are responsible for creating over 90 percent of the earth’s oxygen supply – far more than all the forests on the earth combined! Phytoplankton are a strong source of omega 3 fatty acids, amino acids, DHA, EPA, carotenoids, antioxidants, nucleic...

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